Monday, September 27, 2010

This Could Be It...

What a long weekend Clay and I just had!!  On Friday at 5:00pm our caseworker called and said that a birth mom selected us.  All she told us was that she was due in October and we scheduled a conference call for today at 4:00pm. Today the caseworkers would tell us all about the birth mother and birth father's medical and family background and history.  All weekend we were excited and hesitant all at the same time. 

Then today, after an extremely long day, 4:00 pm finally came.  We heard all about the birth parents and felt very good with everything we learned.  We were told to take the evening to pray and think about everything and decide if this could be our baby.  We definitely feel like this is the baby for us.  Tomorrow we will call our agency back and set up a time next week to meet the birth mom (she lives in Houston).  We will then go back when she is induced on October 17th!!!!!!!!!!  

We are so excited and overwhelmed with how fast this is all moving.  God is so amazing!!  If this baby ends up being ours, they were conceived before we even started the adoption process.  How's that for God knowing what you need and when you need it??  Oh, by the way it's a ...boy!!!!!

Please continue to pray for all of us involved in this process.  A number of things could still happen before we actually get our baby in our arms.  Please pray that this is the child for us and that God leads all of us where we need to be.  We are so excited for the next 3 weeks!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

We Made it into the CLUB...

When we first began looking into adoption through Christian Homes of Abilene, I would contastly look at their website to see the families waiting to adopt.  I loved it when families were added and removed.  It was so awesome to see new families just beginning the process, then again seeing their profile come off the site when they were blessed with a precious baby. was our day...we finally made it onto the website!!  We are so excited to see our profile on the site.  It makes everything seem so real.  We are offically, offically in the waiting stage.  It is a great feeling to know that birthmoms are looking at our letter and profile.  I wonder when OUR birthmom will pick us...exciting times!!!!

Check out our profile...